Books on the state of the oceans – the World Ocean Review

Between 2009 and 2017, I wrote the first five volumes of the World Ocean Review (WOR) – a global status report on the state of the oceans – for Hamburg-based maribus foundation, each containing around 200 pages. Working on the five editions on topics such as „Fisheries“, „Coasts“ and „Raw materials“ demanded stamina and an enormous depth of research from me like no job before. Each WOR involves around one and a half years of work, numerous interviews with researchers and the study of dozens of specialist articles. It was with a heavy heart that I decided to stop working on WOR in 2017 in order to have more time for other ideas and projects. Sina Löschke took over the baton and has now completed the first WORs on topics like „Arctic and Antarctic“. A huge thank you to Jan Lehmköster from maribus for the many years of friendly collaboration and to Nikolaus Gelpke for his trust!.